As an entrepreneur, we bet you are constantly looking for more interaction and a broader reach of your company. Social media has so much to offer in the way of opportunities. But combining social media with your day-to-day running of a business is not the easiest of tasks. Liking, posting, sharing, reposting, commenting, posting mentions, coming up with the right content to reach your goals … managing social media properly is in effect a full-time job.

Enter comma, brand strategists. We bring you peace of mind with a well-structured plan and a clear content calendar for your social media.

When it comes to social media, you are better off working with a long-term strategy. After all one of the goals is you wanting to build a lasting bond with your followers and continue to grow steadily, right? Then it is especially important to keep posting regularly. If you do not want to miss out, that requires focused preparation and planning. With our dedicated social media grid, comma will lead the way.

Analysis is where it all starts

Let us start at the beginning: how is your current activity on socials? Which social media channels are you on today? How often do you post on them? Do you post sporadically or do you plan in advance? Our social media manager will be asking all the right questions and provide you with an in-depth analysis of your current state of affairs.

Then it is time to start examining your future options. Let us look for opportunities and brainstorm about interesting trends and topics that you can anticipate on. We bundle this analysis into a longlist full of content ideas.

Time for a content strategy

Our social media manager and marketing manager work with you to determine the right social media strategy for your company. We discuss the objectives and link them to measurable KPIs. While doing so, we always keep your target audience clearly in mind.

After a budget and timing have been agreed, our creative team is off to work. Our social media manager presents the previously defined analysis and strategy to our storyteller and designer. Many creative ideas now bubble to the surface, bringing your strategy to life.

With a laser-sharp focus on your objectives and target group, it is then up to the marketing manager to filter the best ideas and merge them into an optimised shortlist. Finally, we use SurveyMonkey to test this shortlist with you and your team.

Meticulous content scheduling

We plan content ideas in a content calendar based on the adopted strategy, timeframes and KPIs. Together with comma, you will be mustering a nice variety of relevant topics and creative impact.

Once the structure is established, our storyteller and designer get to work on the creation and layout of copy and images. This way, your social media calendar takes shape. We aim to put no less than 80% of all posts into the planning tool Sendible which will automatically post at the indicated time. The other 20% is kept open to allow for ad hoc posts such as temporary promotions or unexpected, fun news items.

Thanks to a well-planned approach like this, your company has a better, more structured overview of your activity on social media. You can act proactively, work efficiently and create the necessary peace of mind. This will save precious time that you can direct towards your daily business activities. And last but not least: you will never walk alone. With our team of experts, comma will help you achieve your goals from your social media activities.