Op 21 oktober gaf Adrian Hayes – een Britse avonturier, auteur, spreker en team coaching expert – een online presentatie over hoe je een high performing team creëert. Daar deelde hij zijn avontuurlijke ervaringen zoals zijn 2 jaar in de Special Forces, trektochten naar beide polen, beklimmingen van Everest en K2, het doorkruisen van Groenland en de Arabische woestijn, zijn Guinnes World records, het schrijven van 2 boeken … Kortom, een heel interessant man om veel van te leren!

More about Adrian Hayes

Adrian Hayes is a British record-breaking adventurer, author, speaker, consultant & coach, documentary presenter, social commentator and campaigner. An Arabic and Nepalese speaking former British Army Gurkha Officer, who also spent two years in the Special Forces, his adventuring achievements include trekking to both Poles, summiting Everest and K2, crossing the length of Greenland and the Arabian Desert, setting two Guinness World Records for Polar expeditions, writing two books, and featuring in three documentaries to date.

One of the few extreme adventurers in the world with a senior corporate background – including six years as an Airbus Middle East Sales Director – Adrian has been a global keynote speaker and professional leadership, team and executive consultant, coach & mentor for over 15 years, delivering speeches, seminars, and programmes worldwide.

He is also an Advisory Board member for one of the future Mars projects. In his social commentator and campaign work he is an ambassador for economic, social & environmental sustainability, and a patron of the Population Matters and CHASE Africa charities, as well as several other causes, campaigns and charities. As a former qualified Paramedic, he is additionally involved in an ongoing project providing medical treatment in the remote areas of the Himalayas.

Adrian has featured in or presented three documentaries to date: The Greenland Quest for the National Geographic Channel, and Footsteps of Thesiger and In Inner Mongolia for the Discovery Channel and is now an establishing television and documentary presenter. His first book, Footsteps of Thesiger, was published in 2013, followed by his second, One Man’s Climb: A Journey of Trauma, Tragedy and Triumph on K2, in 2019. His third book, on human development and society, will be published in 2022.